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Shell Eco Marathon Updates

Ever since the shell eco marathon started I have contributed by making several parts on Onshape, some being most electrical components and the bulkhead system that goes in the back. Currently in late May of 2021 I am working on connecting the system in the bulkhead with hose, pipes, and brackets.  More specific I am working on connecting the flowmeter and the engine through a hose, and it looks something like this:

Now that I've shown you the general idea of what I'm working I can show each individual part and its specific purpose.

The only purpose of the hose is to connect components, in this case the engine and the flowmeter.

After making the hose I needed support, meaning I needed some sort of bracket so that the hose isn't just floating there in mid air.

After making this bracket I downloaded a piece that I needed which goes on top of the bracket and allows for the hose to go through it.

I added the necessary bolts so that it was realistic and this is how the final product looks like:

The final step to finish my task is to add some more bolts in the bottom and add nuts in the following place.
